Results for ' E. Carnevale'

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  1.  3
    The Russian urban text: city and atmospheres in My by E. Zamyatin.Eleonora Gironi Carnevale - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 23.
    The origin of the relationship between landscape and atmosphere in the literary text must be sought first and foremost in the prototypical Stimmung that characterizes a given culture and from which, the specific interaction between man and the environment in a certain space, arises. In this sense, each literature will be a mirror of the specific contractive or expansive tendencies that characterize this interaction. Taking this into consideration, this article proposes a reading of the relationship between the Russian culture and (...)
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    A Mixed Blessing? CEOs’ Moral Cleansing as an Alternative Explanation for Firms’ Reparative Responses Following Misconduct.Joel B. Carnevale & K. Ashley Gangloff - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2):427-443.
    When firm misconduct comes to light, CEOs are often faced with difficult decisions regarding whether and how to respond to stakeholder demands as they attempt to restore their firms’ legitimacy. Prior research largely assumes that such decisions are motivated by CEOs’ calculated attempts to manage stakeholder impressions. Yet, there are likely other motives, particularly those of a morally-relevant nature, that might also be influencing CEOs’ decisions. To address this limitation, we advance moral cleansing as an alternative explanation for how and (...)
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    The Utility of Futility: the construction of bioethical problems.Franco A. Carnevale - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (6):509-517.
    The aim of this article is to analyse the contemporary ‘futility discourse’ from a constructivist perspective. I will argue that bioethics discourse typically disregards the con text from which controversies emerge and the processes that inform and constrain such discourse. Constructivists have argued that scientific knowledge is expressive of the dominant paradigm within which a scientific community is working. I will outline an analysis of ‘medical futility’ as a construction of biomedical and bioethical communities (and their respective paradigms). I will (...)
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    Diritti umani, valori e nuove tecnologie. Il caso dell’etica della robotica in Europa.Benedetta Bisol, Antonio Carnevale & Federica Lucivero - 2014 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 2 (1):235-252.
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    Children as an afterthought during COVID-19: defining a child-inclusive ethical framework for pandemic policymaking.Franco A. Carnevale & Sydney Campbell - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-19.
    BackgroundFollowing the SARS pandemic, jurisdictions around the world began developing ethical resource allocation frameworks for future pandemics—one such framework was developed by Thompson and colleagues. While this framework offers a solid backbone upon which decision-makers can rest assured that their work is driven by rigorous ethical processes and principles, it fails to take into account the nuanced experiences and interests of children and youth (i.e., young people) in a pandemic context. The current COVID-19 pandemic offers an opportunity to re-examine this (...)
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  6. Engagement and suffering in responsible caregiving: On overcoming maleficience in health care.Dawson S. Schultz & Franco A. Carnevale - 1996 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 17 (3).
    The thesis of this article is that engagement and suffering are essential aspects of responsible caregiving. The sense of medical responsibility engendered by engaged caregiving is referred to herein as clinical phronesis, i.e. practical wisdom in health care, or, simply, practical health care wisdom. The idea of clinical phronesis calls to mind a relational or communicative sense of medical responsibility which can best be understood as a kind of virtue ethics, yet one that is informed by the exigencies of moral (...)
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    Hybrid Ethics for Generative AI: Some Philosophical Inquiries on GANs.Antonio Carnevale, Claudia Falchi Delgado & Piercosma Bisconti - 2023 - Humana Mente 16 (44).
    Until now, the mass spread of fake news and its negative consequences have implied mainly textual content towards a loss of citizens' trust in institutions. Recently, a new type of machine learning framework has arisen, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) – a class of deep neural network models capable of creating multimedia content (photos, videos, audio) that simulate accurate content with extreme precision. While there are several areas of worthwhile application of GANs – e.g., in the field of audio-visual production, human-computer (...)
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  8. Ripensare, oggi, il Carnevale. Premessa.Marta Cassina - 2020 - LEA – Lingue E Letterature d'Oriente E d'Occidente 9:235-242.
    The International Conference "Tra rito e mito: il Carnevale nella cultura europea" was held online on the 16th and 17th of November 2020. We present twenty-two contributions coming from various fields of the Humanities and written in Italian, French, and German. This proceedings’ foreword traces back the thread that links these essays one with another, i.e., carnivalesque imagery between ritual and mythological dimensions. Moreover, this introduction provides a key to an interpretation of Carnival as a founding instance, both regenerative (...)
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  9. Poincarés philosophy of geometry, or does geometric conventionalism deserve its name?E. G. Zahar - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 28 (2):183-218.
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    Where Does Schroedinger's “What is Life?” Belong in the History of Molecular Biology?E. J. Yoxen - 1979 - History of Science 17 (1):17-52.
  11.  29
    Un sermonario illustrato nella Basilea del Narrenschiff: Il Quadragesimale novum de filio prodigo (1495) di Johann Meder.Pietro Delcorno - 2010 - Franciscan Studies 68:215-257.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Prima parte – Descrizione del sermonarioNel 1494 Johann Meder, francescano osservante, affronta il compito di predicare la Quaresima a Basilea. Davanti all'interrogativo su come conquistare l'attenzione degli ascoltatori, vincendone la distrazione senza diventare un "adulterator verbi Dei," concepisce un ciclo profondamente innovativo, dato alle stampe l'anno successivo. Nella stessa città un altro ciclo di predicazione sui generis vede la luce in concomitanza alle prediche di Meder: in quei giorni (...)
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  12. Maria ignazia deiana incinerazione E inumazione: Il Caso Della sardegna.Incinerazione E. Inumazione - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  13. The Physical Background of Perception.E. D. Adrian - 1948 - Mind 57 (226):244-249.
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  14. Solving the inclusion problem: Gender without representationalism.E. Willems - 2024 - Synthese 204 (174):1-27.
    Recent work in the metaphysics of gender mostly focuses on trying to solve the exclusion problem - roughly, the problem of giving a metaphysical account of gender that doesn’t exclude anyone from their appropriate gender category. It is acknowledged that no completely satisfactory answer to the exclusion problem has yet been given in the literature; typically such theories fail to account for the diverse experiences and characteristics of trans people. One response is to adopt an anti-realism about gender properties, such (...)
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  15. Alekseĭ Losev v ėpokhu russkoĭ revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii: 1917-1919.E. A. Takho-Godi - 2014 - Moskva: Modest Kolerov.
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  16. Pluralité de l'être.Edmée de La Rochefoucauld - 1957 - Paris: Gallimard'.
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  17. (1 other version)La pensée politique de Calvin.Marc Édouard Chenevière - 1937 - Paris,: Éditions "Je sers".
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    The Date of the Prometheus Vinctus.E. C. Yorke - 1936 - Classical Quarterly 30 (3-4):153-.
    It has frequently been observed that the Prometheus Vinctus shows certain Sophoclean characteristics of rhythm. In order to vary the rhythm of his iambics and to avoid monotony, Sophocles often knits consecutive trimeters closely together by placing at the end of one line some word which looks forward to the next line, and so precludes the reader from stopping for the natural pause after the sixth foot. Sometimes he uses in this way subordinating words which introduce a dependent clause in (...)
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    ‛Hγεμονία und δεσπτεία bei Xenophanes.E. Zeller - 1889 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 2 (1):1-4.
  20.  17
    A stitch in time.E. M. Zemach - 1967 - Journal of Value Inquiry 1 (3-4):223-241.
  21. O prirode ėsteticheskoĭ potrebnosti.E. S. Akopdzhani︠a︡n - 1973 - Erevan,: Izd-vo AN ArmSSR.
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  22. O mito cartesiano e outros ensaios: por uma nova filosofia da ciência.M. Rocha E. Silva - 1978 - São Paulo: Editora Hucitec.
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    Chronotopic thresholds: A feeling for the future.E. Jayne White, Catherine Matsuo, Fiona Westbrook, Caryl Emerson, Bridgette Redder, Mahtab Janfada, Dandan Cao & Mikhail Gradovski - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):935-945.
    E. Jayne Whitea, Catherine Matsuob and Fiona WestbrookcaUniversity of Canterbury; bFukuoka University; cAuckland University of Technology (AUT)This collective writing piece takes its points of depa...
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    Buddyn gu̇n ukhaany onol, tu̇u̇khiĭn asuudlaas: ȯgu̇u̇lėl, iltgėliĭn ėmkhtgėl.G. Luvsant︠s︡ėrėn - 2008 - Ulaanbaatar: Bembi San. Edited by G. Chuluunbaatar & M. Gantui︠a︡a.
    Scholarly papers by Gėlėgzhamt︠s︡yn Luvsant︠s︡ėrėn on Mādhyamika, Buddhist philosophy, Mongolian philosophy and Buddhist studies in Mongolia.
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  25. Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century. Translated by Theodor E. Mommsen and Karl F. Morrison.J. E. Weakland - 2003 - The European Legacy 8 (2):264-266.
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    Homer in seinen Bildern und Vergleichungen. Dr E. Von Wittich. Stuttgart: J. F. Steinkopf, 1908. Pp. 71.S. E. Winbolt - 1909 - The Classical Review 23 (06):204-.
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    Donald A. Martin. On a question of G. E. Sacks. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 31 , pp. 66–69.C. E. M. Yates - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):528-529.
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    Cybernetics. Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. [REVIEW]E. N. - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (22):736-737.
  29. Hē idiotropia hōs provlēma ontologikēs ēthikēs: symvolē eis tēn meletēn tēs scheseōs metaxy tēs katholikotētos tou prosōpou kai tōn ex autēs atomikōn apokliseōn.Konstantinos E. Papapetrou - 1973 - Athēnai: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  30. Eclipse of the Self the Development of Heidegger's Concept of Authenticity /Michael E. Zimmerman. --. --.Michael E. Zimmerman - 1982 - Ohio University Press,, C1981 1982.
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    The I Ching or Book of Changes.E. R. Hughes - 1951 - Philosophy East and West 1 (2):73-76.
  32. Oriyanut historit ṿe-tipuaḥ ha-biḳortiyut.Oded E. Schremer - 2004 - Ramat Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
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  33. Every Day, Thoughts on the G.F.S. Ruler of Life [by E. Welby, Ed by E.H.T.].Ella Welby & H. T. E. - 1895
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  34. Amusement, Delight, and Whimsy: Humor Has Its Reasons that Reason Cannot Ignore.E. K. Ackermann - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):405-411.
    Context: The idea for this article sprang from a desire to revive a conversation with the late Ernst von Glasersfeld on the heuristic function - and epistemological status - of forms of ideations that resist linguistic or empirical scrutiny. A close look into the uses of humor seemed a thread worth pursuing, albeit tenuous, to further explore some of the controversies surrounding the evocative power of the imaginal and other oblique forms of knowing characteristic of creative individuals. Problem: People generally (...)
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  35. Poėticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ russkogo kosmizma: uchenie, ėstetika, poėtika.Ė. A. Balʹburov - 2003 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN.
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  36. Collingwood and Manipulability-based Approaches to Causation: Methodological Issues.E. Popa - 2016 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 22 (1):139-166.
    This paper discusses methodological similarities between Collingwood's approach to causation and contemporary manipulability-based views. Firstly, I argue that on both approaches there is a preoccupation with the origin of causal concepts which further connects to the aim of establishing the priority of a certain concept/sense of causation as more fundamental. The significant difference lies in Collingwood's focus on the logical and historical priority (Collingwood's sense I) while in more recent theories the focus has been on psychology (i.e., on different philosophical (...)
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  37. Kommentar - Über kleine und große Meilensteine: wie wir finden, was wir suchen.Maria E. Kronfeldner - 2008 - Erwã¤Gen, Wissen, Ethik 19:177-178.
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    La fin de la pensée?: Philosophie analytique contre philosophie continentale.Babette E. Babich - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    N'y aurait-il de pas de différence notable entre les philosophies analytique et continentale? La première serait la bonne philosophie, la seconde une philosophie non rigoureuse, de comptoir. Ce jugement est l'apanage des philosophes analytiques, qui considèrent leurs confères de formation continentale, à l'instar de Jacques Derrida, comme des " astrologues ", des non-philosophes. L'auteur approfondit ici le débat, en identifiant de façon rigoureuse les différences importantes qui divisent les deux philosophies.
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    A Psychology for People of God.E. Rae Harcum - 2012 - Hamilton Books.
    E. Rae Harcum argues that Christians do not have to give up their religious faith to keep the contributions of science. He confronts the relation between the human body and its non-material parts—the mind and spirit—and provides a way of looking at these metaphysical issues.
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  40. Criticizing the Feminist Critique of Objectivity.E. Klein - 1993 - Reason Papers 18:57-69.
    This paper concentrates on the method-critique of feminist philosophers and demonstrates that their claim that science is essentially male-biased is unfounded, and itself grounded in their own political agenda. The feminist agenda has shown itself to be detrimental not only to liberty and free speech, but to women.
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    (1 other version)Politics and Ideology.Lene Aarøe - 2021 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 5 (1):145-148.
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    Reinstating Humanistic Categories.E. M. Adams - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (1):21 - 39.
    BY OVEREMPHASIZING MATERIALISTIC VALUES, we have perverted the culture and set modern Western civilization on a self-destructive course. Some critics have said that the economy, science, and technology are the only healthy aspects of our society. We have what I have called a saber-toothed tiger civilization. In the evolutionary process, the saber-toothed tiger developed great tusks as effective weapons in combat, but perished because they obstructed its eating. We have developed a culture that is highly successful in advancing science and (...)
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  43. Teleology: hindrance rather than help.E. Adomonis - 2001 - Filosofija. Sociologija 12 (1).
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  44.  21
    Correspondance.E. Aegerter & A. Koyré - 1929 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 108:476 - 478.
  45.  39
    Freedom and Personality.A. E. Taylor - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (55):259 - 280.
    Is it possible to say anything on the well-worn theme of human freedom or unfreedom which has not been ahready better said by someone else before us? It may be doubted; yet it is always worth while to see whether we cannot at least set what is perhaps already familiar to us in a fresh light and so come to a clearer comprehension of our own meaning. This, at any rate, is all that will be attempted in these pages; I (...)
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    15. Ueber Soph. Oed. R. v. 1137.E. A. J. Ahrens - 1875 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 34 (1-4):753-755.
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  47. Arabo-musulʹmanskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ srednevekovʹi︠a︡.Ė. M. Akhmedov - 1980 - Baku: Izd-vo "Maarif".
  48.  17
    Current Religious Thought and Modern Juristic Movements.E. F. Albertsworth - 1923 - International Journal of Ethics 34 (4):364.
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  49. The self and its hazards.E. L. Allen - 1951 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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  50. Pico della Mirandola, sincretismo religioso - filosofico, Bari 1937.E. Anagnine - 1938 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 15 (2):185-188.
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